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Tag : Kerry Graham


The Top Five Collaborative Trends Getting Traction

Kerry Graham, Thursday, 1st June 2017 -  Across Australia there are more than 75 initiatives using collaboration to achieve large-scale impact. While they all have their differences, Collaboration for Impact founder

BLOG: Burnie Works Is Working

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th December 2015 -  A Tasmanian community initiative called Burnie Works received international acclaim earlier this year as one of Australia’s most promising collective impact initiatives.

$1M Collaboration for Impact

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 16th October 2014 -  Eleven communities are in the running for up to $1m to tackle Australia’s most challenging social issues as part of a new initiative called The Search. The Collaboration for…

Collective Impact – Revolutionising Social Change

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 22nd July 2014 -  While cooperative approaches are not new to the Not for Profit sector, many people are realising the way they have been working isn’t getting the results they hoped for, a national…

Do More Than Give…And Do it Collectively for Greater Impact

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th March 2014 -  Social change advocates Dawn O’Neil AM and Kerry Graham explore an amazing tale of how philanthropy working together with government, non-government and the community can…



A Reflection: Collective Impact in Australia – 12 Months On

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th December 2013 -  Buzz, backbone leadership and data sourcing are the pressing issues as Australian social change advocates Dawn O’Neil AM and Kerry Graham share their reflections on the year
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