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Tag : Kids Under Cover


Taking a helicopter view of homelessness in young people

Jonathan Alley, Thursday, 12th May 2022 -  After over 30 years battling barriers to housing, Stephen Nash is committed to prevention rather than a cure. He is this week’s Changemaker. Stephen Nash, who was appointed CEO of

Homelessness does not necessarily mean rooflessness, says new study

Nikki Stefanoff, Wednesday, 7th July 2021 -  A research report commissioned by the not for profit Kids Under Cover looks at the effectiveness of its Studio Program on keeping kids off the streets.  A program building relocatable

Govt Grant to Kids Under Cover Marks 25th Anniversary

Lina Caneva, Friday, 28th February 2014 -  Homelessness organisation, Kids Under Cover has been granted $2.6 million over three years from the Victorian Government as part of the Not for Profit’s 25th anniversary…


The Cost of Addressing Homelessness – A Responsibility for All

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st January 2014 -  The onus for funding homelessness initiatives should not be placed solely on government but shared with corporates, philanthropists and the wider community who all standing to

Changemakers – Mary Franes

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th November 2012 -  Mary Franes, Studio Program Coordinator at Kids Under Cover, is profiled in Changemakers – a regular column which examines inspiring people and their careers in the Not for
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