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Tag : Legal Aid

Actor Michael Caton Says Legal Aid Matters

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 23rd June 2016 -  Aussie actor Michael Caton has joined the fight to restore funding for legal aid. The star, best known for playing Darryl Kerrigan in the 1990s movie The Castle, a working-class man


Community Legal Centres – A View from the Trenches

Julie Edwards, Thursday, 19th May 2016 -  Opinion: Community legal centre lawyers ensure that Australia’s most vulnerable are protected by the law and supported to improve their often dire situations. We know because

Lawyers to Campaign Over Legal Aid Funding Cuts

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th May 2016 -    Lawyers from across Australia are launching a major national campaign on legal aid funding in the run up to the federal election, claiming neither of the major political parties

Legal Aid Funding Restored

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 26th March 2015 -  The Federal Government has reinstated national legal aid assistance, guaranteeing current funding levels for the next two years. The funding reversal comes after strong lobbying…

Community Housing Federation Rebuffs Legal Aid Claims

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th February 2015 -  Claims by Victoria Legal Aid which slammed the operations of Not for Profit community housing organisations have been described by The Community Housing Federation of Victoria…

Legal Aid Slams NFP Housing Groups

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 10th February 2015 -  Victoria Legal Aid claims Not for Profit community housing groups are not being held to the same standards as the Government, despite offering a publicly funded service. The claim…

Community Legal Aid for Child Abuse Royal Commission

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 3rd April 2013 -  The Federal Government is to fund community legal centres to assist those wanting to tell their stories to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Assault…

Legal Aid Funding Boost

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th August 2012 -  The Federal Government is to boost funding for legal assistance services across Australia. In announcing an additional $1.6 million for 21 community legal centres and legal aid…

Boost In Legal Aid Funding Urged

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th April 2010 -  The results of a survey on legal aid provide further proof that the legal assistance sector is in dire need of a significant funding boost, according to the Law Council of Australia.…
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