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Tag : Les Hems


The Critical Importance of Co-Ops and Mutuals

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 27th August 2014 -  While recent analyses of the evolving relationship between Government, the Not for Profit sector and communities is compelling but there is a vitally important element missing

A Third Way for Delivering Public Services – Green Paper

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 10th June 2014 -  Co-operatives and mutuals have the potential to generate better social outcomes and greater value for money in delivering public services in Australia and offer a “Third…

Co-Ops and Mutuals Primed for Public Service Provision: Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th December 2013 -  Co-operatives and mutuals are underrated as a potential provider of public services in Australia, according to a new report. The study, commissioned by the Business Council of Co?operatives…

NFP Election Debate Heads to Canberra

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th August 2013 -  The future of the Australian Not for Profit sector will be debated by Federal politicians in a National Press Club pre-election forum in Canberra on Friday organised by peak body,…

Red Tape & Compliance Key NFP Issues – Sector Survey Results

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th August 2013 -  Australian Not for Profits believe overwhelmingly that the reduction in Government red tape and compliance costs have been the most important initiatives in developing the sector…

The ‘London Principles’ on Impact Investing

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 24th July 2013 -  The global Impact Investing Policy Collaborative (IIPC) has published a set of guidelines to inform worldwide government policy on impact investment.   The Impact Investing…

Hems Takes On ‘Tomorrow’s’ Social Responsibility Agenda

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd January 2013 -  The Director of Research at the Center for Social Impact, Les Hems, has announced that he is leaving the social innovation organisation after three years in the job that saw him relocate…


Will Social Impact Investing Finally Pay Dividends?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd August 2012 -  This article is by Les HemsDirector of the Centre for Social Impact at the University of New South Wales, and published by The Conversation. It is republished

Glossary of Social Investment Terms

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 26th June 2012 -  The Centre for Social Impact (CSI) has developed an online glossary of terms for social investment. CSI’s director of research Les Hems said CSI has produced a social investment glossary…

Micro Finance Proving a Success in Australia – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th March 2012 -  New research into micro finance, which is often associated with developing countries, shows that it can make a real and meaningful difference to Australians and the Australian economy.…
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