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Tag : Marilyn Jones

No, not that way. This way…

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 6th May 2019 -  In her latest blog, experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones offers up some tips on what not to do in your CV. Over the many years of my career in recruitment, and now in my own company, I have

Two Not 20

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 11th March 2019 -  Experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones returns to the subject of networking to offer her advice on how to get through those days when you ask yourself “do I really want to make the effort

Beware the ‘Would’

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 11th February 2019 -  When it comes to job interviews and showing you’re a star, preparation is key, writes experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones, in her latest blog. While you can’t prepare for all interview

A One Legged Race

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 28th January 2019 -  In her latest blog, experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones stresses the importance of getting your elevator pitch right and considers how best to answer the question “what do you do?”.

Recruiters Behaving Badly

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 14th January 2019 -  In her latest blog, experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones shines a light on bad recruiter behaviour. Recently, I heard more bad recruiter stories from candidates searching for new

Stone Throwing

Marilyn Jones, Monday, 10th December 2018 -  In her second blog providing advice for job seekers entering and moving within the social sector, experienced recruiter Marilyn Jones discusses how words can harm your chances.
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