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Tag : Mark Pearce

Exclusive: your first look at Australia’s new National Volunteering Strategy

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 13th February 2023 -  In what’s believed to be a global first, the volunteering strategy has been co-designed with the sector and government. Australia has a new National Volunteering Strategy, with

Is corporate volunteering the answer to our volunteering woes?

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 5th December 2022 -  Corporate volunteering programs benefit both workplaces and volunteer-involving organisations, but they take some work to get things right. Corporate volunteering programs

ACNC appointment welcomed effusively by sector

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Monday, 21st November 2022 -  The appointment of Sue Woodward as commissioner of the ACNC appears to be overwhelmingly popular, including with the assistant minister for charities.  The for-purpose sector

Data behind national volunteering strategy revealed

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 19th October 2022 -  The research underpinning Volunteering Australia’s national strategy is now available and although it makes for hard reading, there is also cause for optimism as the sector unites

A new National Strategy for Volunteering is in the works – and you can help shape it

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 23rd May 2022 -  A new survey reveals that volunteer numbers have dropped in Australia since COVID, as work gets underway on the first national strategy in a decade. Organisations or groups that involve

The new faces of Pro Bono News’ editorial advisory board

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 13th July 2021 -  “This advisory group will help ensure our news service continues to give voice to the vitality and diversity of our sector and speak to the issues of greatest importance to the for-purpose


The power of the volunteer workforce

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 24th May 2021 -  As the CEO of Volunteering Australia, Mark Pearce is on a mission to highlight the work of  volunteers in the country, and see the sector flourish. He’s this week’s Changemaker.  Anyone

The struggle to reinvigorate volunteering in a COVID-19 world

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 16th February 2021 -  Volunteering advocates say a national volunteering strategy is desperately needed Australian organisations are struggling to re-engage their volunteering workforce, with

Action needed to fix the pandemic insurance gap for volunteers

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 14th July 2020 -  Charities are hesitant to bring back volunteers because there is no insurance cover for COVID-19 related claims Victorian volunteers have been given access to COVID-19 support
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