Luke Michael, Tuesday, 7th September 2021 - “I remain very concerned about reports that vaccines are being rejected as a result of conspiracies and misinformation stoking fear and doubt” The federal government is working…
Luke Michael, Friday, 30th October 2020 - Indigenous people are 70 per cent more likely to experience disability than the general population The Morrison government is investing almost $6 million to improve access…
Luke Michael, Thursday, 11th July 2019 - The Morrison government’s plan for Indigenous recognition in the constitution has won community sector support, but conservative forces within the Coalition are threatening …
Luke Michael, Friday, 28th June 2019 - The Australian government must invest strongly in Aboriginal community-controlled solutions if it wants better outcomes from the Closing the Gap refresh, Indigenous leaders …
Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 18th April 2019 - Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations are at the heart of delivering a $115 million election pledge from Labor to reduce youth suicides and preventable diseases,…
Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 27th March 2019 - A coalition of peak Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander bodies has welcomed a historic partnership with the government to rework the Closing the Gap Refresh, announced on Wednesday.…
Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 21st November 2018 - Humanitarian and health not for profits have come out in support of 13 peak Indigenous bodies, who have repeated a desperate plea for more involvement in the government’s Close the…
Contributor, Thursday, 25th January 2018 - Across the nation, 26 January is for most people a day of celebration of 230 years of Australian history; not the 60,000 years of Indigenous culture, writes NACCHO chair John Singer.…