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Tag : National Pro Bono (Legal) Resource Centre

Legal Pro Bono Contribution Steady

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th October 2013 -  The number of hours of pro bono legal work done by Australian lawyers has dropped slightly in the last 12 months but is higher than two years ago according to the National Pro Bono (Legal)…

Pro Bono Family Law Work Struggling – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th October 2013 -  A new research report by the National Pro Bono (Legal) Resource Centre has found that specialist family law practitioners in private practice are struggling to take on more pro bono…

NFPs Top Pro Bono Legal Assistance

Staff Reporter, Friday, 25th January 2013 -  The majority of pro bono legal work in Australia is done for Not for Profit organisations, according to new research. Over 60 percent of the pro bono work undertaken by large law firms…

Improve Access to Justice for Disadvantaged -Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 27th June 2012 -  Lawyers need to be better prepared to help disadvantaged clients navigate Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), a new report has said. A new research report prepared by the National…

More Federal Funds for Pro Bono Legal Work

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th June 2010 -  The Federal Government has announced further measures to assist Australian legal practitioners undertaking international pro bono work including $100,000 for the National Pro…
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