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Tag : National redress scheme

Organisations refusing to join redress scheme face loss of charity status

David Crosbie, Monday, 30th November 2020 -  “It is completely unacceptable for named institutions to refuse to accept their moral obligation and responsibility to acknowledge the wrongs committed,” the social services

Organisations named and shamed for refusing to join National Redress Scheme

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 1st July 2020 -  “It is devastating to see that there are still institutions which fail to adequately acknowledge the devastation reaped on victims of child sexual abuse and be truly accountable,”

‘Just not acceptable’: Victorian government threatens to blacklist organisations not signed up to sexual abuse redress scheme

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 22nd April 2020 -  Nearly 50 Victorian non-government organisations are yet to sign up to the scheme  Victorian organisations not signed up to the National Redress Scheme for institutional child

Government Names and Shames Organisations Yet to Join Redress Scheme

Luke Michael, Thursday, 28th February 2019 -  The federal government has listed more than 100 institutions yet to join the national redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors amid calls to punish organisations refusing

Restricting Criminal Access to Redress Scheme a Denial of Human Rights

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 20th June 2018 -  The Senate has passed legislation to establish a National Redress Scheme from 1 July, but the community and legal sectors have warned that the possible exclusion of people with criminal

NGOs Commit to National Redress Scheme

Luke Michael, Thursday, 31st May 2018 -  The National Redress Scheme will now cover 80 per cent of child sex abuse survivors, after a number of NGOs committed to the scheme, including the Catholic and Anglican churches and

Support Grows For National Redress Scheme

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 29th May 2018 -  The federal government has agreed in principle to all recommendations from a Senate inquiry into National Redress Scheme legislation, as South Australia and Northern Territory

Church Healing Council Disbands, as QLD and NT Join Redress Scheme

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 2nd May 2018 -  The group coordinating the Catholic Church’s response to the child sexual abuse royal commission has concluded its work after five years, on the same day Queensland and Northern
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