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Tag : Negative gearing

Affordable Housing Party Looks to Restore the Australian Dream

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 30th August 2017 -  A new political party focused on investing in social and affordable housing has been launched in Australia, as a new economic report warns the nation’s housing affordability crisis…

Treasurer Makes Housing a Budget Priority

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 11th April 2017 -  Housing affordability is set to be a priority for the upcoming federal budget according to a speech made by Treasurer Scott Morrison which has been welcomed by the social sector. In

Budget 2016: Housing Affordability Ignored

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 4th May 2016 -  The first Turnbull budget has ignored the issue of housing affordability according to Not for Profit experts. National Shelter executive officer Adrian Pisarski said that in a budget

ACOSS Push On Tax Reform Fix

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 16th April 2015 -  Not for Profit welfare peak body, ACOSS has released a report calling for tax reform to fix the Federal Budget including a deal on negative gearing tax breaks. The Australian Council…
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