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Tag : NGOs

Global hackathon showcases creative tech-for-good ideas

Luke Michael, Saturday, 17th July 2021 -  “Our goal was to inspire developers to use their skills and our technology to turn their ideas for the betterment of the world into reality”  Purpose-driven developers have used their

Why the idea of a trust crisis in NFPs is ‘not grounded in reality’

Luke Michael, Monday, 19th October 2020 -  New analysis shows there has been a small increase in global trust for charities While charities often worry about an erosion of trust among the public, new Australian research shows

Poor working Aussies feel uncomfortable seeking charity help

Luke Michael, Friday, 14th August 2020 -  Many low-income Australians say they would be too ashamed, awkward, or embarrassed to go to a charity   Charities are being urged to better promote themselves as a service available

EU members must protect vulnerable children, NGOs say

Luke Michael, Friday, 6th March 2020 -  There are more than 1,800 unaccompanied children struggling to survive on the Greek islands European Union member states must urgently relocate unaccompanied kids from the Greek

NGOs seen to be lacking in competence, study reveals

Luke Michael, Friday, 21st February 2020 -  But NGOs are considered the only ethical institution Australians believe NGOs are ethical but falling short on competence, according to new research. The release of Australian

Australians are worried about the future as inequality takes hold

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 22nd January 2020 -  Many people are pessimistic about their economic prospects  Only a third of Australians believe their families will be better off in five years time, according to new research showing

NGOs Fight to Uphold Civil Society

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 27th February 2019 -  NGOs and international bodies around the globe are celebrating World NGO Day by highlighting the importance and struggles of protecting and promoting the contributions of civil

Australian Trust in Charities on the Rise

Luke Michael, Monday, 11th February 2019 -  Australians are becoming more trustful of charities and expect NGOs to work with other sectors to drive social change, according to the latest Edelman Trust Barometer. Newly released

Hungary Set to Crackdown on NGOs Supporting Migrants

Luke Michael, Monday, 16th April 2018 -  Hungary’s prime minister has vowed to push through legislation targeting civil society organisations that support migrants, after securing a landslide re-election victory on

Australians Losing Trust in Charities

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 7th February 2018 -  Australians are losing trust in charities, and turning to CEOs and corporate leaders to tackle social issues, according to the latest Edelman Trust Barometer. The latest data from

Global Trust in NGOs Falling

Xavier Smerdon, Friday, 6th February 2015 -  Global trust in Non-Government Organisations is falling and Australia is not immune, according to a major report. The 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer surveyed 33,000 people from 27…
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