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Tag : Nonprofit Technology Network

Leading Change in Not for Profit Organisations

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th May 2011 -  Executive Director of the US-based Nonprofit Technology Network, Holly Ross will be sharing her insights on technology trends and leading organisations through change in the Not…

Aussie NFP Staff Win US Technology Scholarships

Staff Reporter, Friday, 3rd December 2010 -  Three Australian Not for Profit workers are set to attend the world’s largest NFP technology conference courtesy of scholarships provided by Connecting Up Australia (CUA).…

US Technology Conference Scholarship for Australian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th September 2010 -  Australian Not for Profit, Connecting Up Australia has announced a mutual scholarship program for Australian NFPs to attend the Nonprofit Technology Conference in the US in March…

NFPs To Increase Social Network Staffing

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th April 2010 -  In the US, as many as 50% of Not for Profits say they will increase employee staffing related to social networks in the coming twelve months, according to a new analysis of NFP social…
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