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Tag : Not for profit organisations

Simplifying Income Recognition for Not-for-Profit Entities

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 21st December 2016 -  Financial reporting for not for profits is set to align more closely with economic reality in a bid to help organisations become more effective in explaining their true circumstances

Ian Potter Foundation Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th June 2014 -  Eleven Not for Profit organisations are to share in $5.5 million for ‘transformative projects’ as part of The Ian Potter Foundation’s special 50th Anniversary…

NFP Legal & Accounting Almanac Launched

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 29th April 2014 -  The latest edition of the Australian Sector Nonprofit Legal and Accounting Almanac has been released. The annual publication contains a summary of significant cases, legislation,…

Philanthropy the Catalyst for Broader Social Change – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th December 2013 -  Australia’s Not for Profit organisations need to better collaborate with strategic partners, the corporate sector and government to tap into the full potential of philanthropy…

Govt Audit Must Engage with NFP Sector

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st November 2013 -  A charity sector submission to the Coalition Government’s National Commission of Audit has called on the inquiry to take into account of the largely untapped policy and program development…

Pro Bono Law Merger

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th November 2013 -  Leading pro bono legal organisations in Victoria and NSW have joined forces to create Australia’s biggest agency connecting lawyers prepared to offer free legal service,…

Melbourne Awards Highlight NFPs

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th November 2013 -  Not for Profit leaders and organisations have featured among the shortlisted finalists for the 2013 Melbourne Awards. Contribution to Community by an Individual nominee Chris

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Risky (Not for Profit) Business

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st October 2013 -  With over 500 pieces of legislation in Australia which impose personal liability on directors and officers of public companies limited by guarantee, and committee members of incorporated

Drug Foundation E-library Offers Easy Access

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th October 2013 -  An e-library offering free information on alcohol, drug and related health issues has been launched by the Australian Drug Foundation. The ADF Search service provides access to…


Conflicts, Complements and Confluences of Interest

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th October 2013 -  Conflict of interest is a topical area of challenge for donors and grantmakers along with the thorny issue of the Management Expense Ratio (MER) – the percentage of funds that

National Charity Register Launches

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th July 2013 -  Australians can now search information on charities and Not for Profit organisations following today’s launch of the first online national charity register under the new…
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