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Tag : Oaktree Foundation

Changemakers – Dan Lewis-Toakley

daphnetan, Monday, 4th March 2013 - 
Dan Lewis-Toakley is the campaign manager for Live Below The Line. This week we profile Dan in Changemakers – a weekly column which examines inspiring people and their careers

NFP Social Media Forum Embraces ‘Digital Influencers’

Staff Reporter, Friday, 16th November 2012 - 
Richenda Vermuelen speaks at the NFP Social Media forum in Melbourne. Photo: Damien Currie.  Not for Profits should embrace ‘digital influencers’ such as bloggers…

Oaktree Foundation Announces New CEO

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 6th June 2012 - 
The Oaktree Foundation announces new CEO The Oaktree Foundation, one of Australia’s largest youth-run organisations, has announced Viv Benjamin as its new CEO. Benjamin,…

Seven Young Australians Changing the World

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 30th November 2011 -  An organisation that urges Australian men to ‘soften up', a flash mob with a purpose, and a campaign to change Australia’s drinking culture are just of few of the…
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