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Tag : Online gambling

With pokies shut down, coronavirus stress could drive more people to reckless online gambling

Contributor, Tuesday, 7th April 2020 -  New regulations are urgently needed to restrict online bet sizes and credit card use, write Charles Livingstone and Samantha Thomas. Pubs, clubs and casinos have all been closed

Social Sector Welcomes Government Crackdown on Online Gambling

Rachel McFadden, Wednesday, 3rd May 2017 -  Leading anti-gambling advocates are backing the government’s move to curb the rapid rise of problem online gambling but say that without strong enforcement the moves could…

Podcast: Discrediting Online Gambling

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 30th August 2016 -  Australians are the biggest gamblers in the world, losing more money per adult on gambling than any other developed country. The average loss for each Australian who gambled was $1,500,

Problem Gambling Among Young People on the Rise – Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th February 2013 -  There has been a rapid rise in problem gambling among young men driven by dramatic growth in online sports betting, according to the Australian Medical Association. The AMA…
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