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Tag : Open Letter

NSW offers support to charities – but much more is needed

Contributor, Thursday, 2nd September 2021 -  In this open letter sent to all Australian politicians, the Charities Crisis Cabinet endorses the additional funding announced by the NSW government but calls for more support to

Disability advocates demand action amid slow vaccine rollout

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 17th August 2021 -  “We need less lip service and more action from the government to roll out the vaccine to those who need it most”   Frustrated disability groups say the Australian government has failed

‘It is breathtaking hypocrisy’: Charity faces severe backlash over quarry plan

Luke Michael, Thursday, 18th March 2021 -  More than 75 organisations and individuals have signed an open letter calling on the Ross Trust to withdraw plans to open a new quarry at Arthurs Seat A Victorian charitable trust’s

Advocates say royal commission must #MakeItSafeToSpeak

Luke Michael, Monday, 12th October 2020 -  A new campaign aims to protect the confidentiality of people telling their stories to the disability royal commission   Disability advocates fear the most severe cases of systemic

Open letter says the voice of charities must be included in national COVID-19 response

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 19th August 2020 -  “Given the critical role of charities in supporting and rebuilding both our communities and our economy, it is disappointing that the [sector] has been left outside of important

‘Charities can be part of the solution’

David Crosbie, Thursday, 19th March 2020 -  In an open letter to governments across Australia, David Crosbie and Tim Costello make seven suggestions as to how government can work more effectively with charities over the coming

Australian Philanthropists Sign Open Letter Urging Foreign Donations Bill Redraft

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 6th March 2018 -  More than 60 Australian philanthropists and foundations have signed an open letter urging the federal government to withdraw and redraft its contentious foreign donations bill.

Prominent Australians Join Campaign To Increase Foreign Aid

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 2nd May 2012 -  Over 150 prominent Australians including Hugh Jackman, Geoffrey Rush, Jimmy Barnes and the Wiggles have joined forces to ask Prime Minister Gillard to keep the bipartisan promise…
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