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Tag : Progress

Accessibility-first mindset needed to make tech design equitable

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 21st June 2022 -  “The more you think about it earlier on, the less you end up in a situation where you have built a whole experience and realised that there’s a huge subset of your users that just

Global hackathon showcases creative tech-for-good ideas

Luke Michael, Saturday, 17th July 2021 -  “Our goal was to inspire developers to use their skills and our technology to turn their ideas for the betterment of the world into reality”  Purpose-driven developers have used their

‘If you’re not there for the cause, you need to get out of the way’

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 26th June 2019 -  When it comes to First Nations justice the progressive movement needs to decide if it wants to be part of the problem or part of the solution, according to Indigenous leaders. Speaking

Direct Charity Funds Overseas – Peter Singer

Lina Caneva, Friday, 8th May 2015 -  Australian academic and international activist Peter Singer has called for an increase in the aid budget and for charitable funds to be diverted overseas, where he says they can have…

NDIS Establishment a ‘Herculean Effort’

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 19th August 2014 -  The latest Report into the NDIS confirms that staff at the National Disability Insurance Agency have put in a ‘herculean effort’ over the past year to get the initial…

Australia’s Becoming a More Skilled Nation – Review

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th November 2013 -  More than half of working-age Australians have a higher level qualification, placing the nation ninth among OECD countries, a recent Council of Australian Governments Reform Council…
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