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Tag : Queensland Floods

Bligh Takes on Top NFP Role

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th November 2013 -  Former Queensland Premier Anna Bligh is moving south to take up the role of CEO of community services organisation YWCA NSW in 2014. Anna Bligh. "Anna Bligh will join the organisation…

Queensland Floods: One Year On

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 12th January 2012 -  It’s a year since devastating floods swept through Queensland, claiming 35 lives and affecting more than 200,00 people but also revealing an incredible community spirit.…

Twitter’s Crucial Role During the QLD Floods

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th January 2012 -  A year on from the devastating Queensland floods and a new report has highlighted the crucial role that social media sites, Twitter and Facebook, played in disseminating information…

From Disaster to Resilience for QLD Flood Victims

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st July 2011 -  Volunteering Queensland has launched Australia’s first interactive online disaster preparedness tool. The initiative comes in the wake of one of the major lessons from…

Queensland Flood Aftermath Needs More Than One-Off Donations

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th June 2011 -  Above: Soldiers from the Plant Troop, 21 Construction Squadron, assist residents in carrying flood damaged rubbish into a pile in Karalee.    Flickr image by Aust

Queensland Volunteers – Not Long Term

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th May 2011 -  Just one week after thousands of Queenslanders registered as volunteers to assist in the floods cleanup, a vast majority that were contacted were not prepared to volunteer according…

Queensland NFP’s Funded in Recovery Package

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th April 2011 -  Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Queensland Premier Anna Bligh have announced a $39 million support package for Not for Profits to help in the recovery and wellbeing of people in Queensland…

Practical Advice for Disaster Fatigued Australian Charities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th March 2011 -    Devastation in Sendai, Japan following the tsunami.  Flickr imageSome rights reserved by robertodevido  With many Not for Profit organisations…

QLD Emergency Warning Systems Disadvantage Those With Disabilities.

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th March 2011 -  The Queensland flood disaster has demonstrated strengths and weaknesses of Australia’s emergency services and warnings systems, especially in terms of access for people…

Victory on Rental Affordability Scheme

Staff Reporter, Friday, 18th February 2011 -  Welfare groups and the Greens are claiming victory in their bid to save the National Rental Affordability Scheme, with the Government scrapping its proposed $264 million cuts to…

ACOSS Rejects Calls for Welfare Cuts to Fund Flood Relief

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th February 2011 -  Welfare peak body, ACOSS has rejected calls by business groups for cuts to be made to the disability pension to pay for the flood reconstruction effort. The Australian Council of Social…

Charities Urge Canberra Over QLD Reconstruction

Staff Reporter, Monday, 7th February 2011 -  A delegation of leading community and welfare groups, including Australia’s major charities, is in Canberra to urge the Federal Parliament to include them in the decision…
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