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Tag : Rachel Siewert

Rice ready to work with the sector

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 16th May 2022 -  The new Greens spokesperson for the charity sector, Senator Janet Rice, is looking forward to pushing the incoming government on the issues of importance to our sector. At last week’s

Politicians front up for charity sector

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 13th May 2022 -  While all major parties were invited to be part of the panel, there was one glaring absence. Politicians have made their pitch to the sector in a pre-election panel at the 2022 Connecting

Sector pays tribute to Greens senator Rachel Siewert

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 30th August 2021 -  The Western Australian senator will retire from politics at the next federal election after 16 years of service  Social sector leaders are paying tribute to Rachel Siewert, whose

‘This legislation is wrong’: Cashless welfare card faces Senate scrutiny

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 9th December 2020 -  Welfare advocates are urging the Senate to reject the bill           The fate of the cashless welfare card hangs in the balance, with the Senate set to decide whether the controversial

Anti-poverty advocates slam ‘cruel’ welfare cuts

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 10th November 2020 -  Prime Minister Scott Morrison says keeping the current supplement rate would “hold Australia back”    Community groups are dismayed by the federal government’s decision to slash

‘It’s a heartless decision’: Morrison government reintroduces welfare mutual obligations

Luke Michael, Monday, 21st September 2020 -  Jobseekers soon face the threat of having their payments suspended  Anti-poverty advocates have slammed the federal government’s decision to reintroduce mutual obligations for

‘Reintroducing the liquid asset test is mean spirited and unfair in the midst of a recession’

Rachel Siewert, Wednesday, 29th July 2020 -  If you make people spend all of their hard-earned savings before receiving income support then they are left in a precarious position, argues Greens Senator Rachel Siewert. We are

Government announces $17B to support welfare recipients and business

Luke Michael, Thursday, 12th March 2020 -  But not-for-profit advocates say charities also need to be supported through the economic uncertainty of coronavirus Newstart and other income support recipients will receive

‘I go in, come out, and I’m all in tears’: Vulnerable people humiliated by cashless welfare card

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 26th February 2020 -  Experts say compulsory income management is doing more harm than good The cashless welfare card has failed to improve the financial stability of social security recipients and has

ACOSS and Greens call for $95 Newstart rise

Luke Michael, Friday, 31st January 2020 -  Anti-poverty advocates previously called for a $75 a week Newstart increase The Australian Council of Social Service has updated its demand to raise Newstart because of the rising

Government urged to reject expansion of cashless welfare card

Luke Michael, Monday, 9th September 2019 -  Parliament is being urged to reject any push to expand the cashless welfare card, following reports the prime minister is eyeing a national roll out of the program. Scott Morrison

Vinnies backflip on Newstart compromise

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 20th August 2019 -  The St Vincent de Paul Society has backtracked on comments suggesting Newstart should only be raised for those over 55, with the charity pledging its support for a $75 increase for
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