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Tag : Schools

Struggling with compliance fatigue? Don’t let it impact your school’s child safety culture

Contributor, Tuesday, 15th September 2020 -  Embedding and continually building a strong child safety culture must be the priority for every school, so here Child Wise shares some tips on how schools can cultivate a child safe

Advocates divided over the return of students with disability to the classroom

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 15th July 2020 -  There are concerns children with disability will not have access to appropriate education supports          Disability advocates are concerned by the Victorian government’s

‘It takes a village’ to help kids succeed in education

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 12th March 2019 -  Charities are calling on Australians to play a greater role in the education of young people, warning of a $1 million cost to the community for each student not completing high school.   

Gandel Philanthropy Partners With National Museum In Defining Moments

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 15th May 2018 -  A new multi-million dollar partnership between Gandel Philanthropy and the National Museum of Australia promises to take Australian history into classrooms nationwide. Prominent

$110M Package Tackles Anxiety and Depression Among Young Australians

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 9th January 2018 -  The government has announced a $110 million boost in funding to fight anxiety and depression among young people. The funding is set to go towards school mental health programs and

Global Anti-Bully Project to Launch in Australia

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 13th October 2015 -  The Not for Profit BULLY Project, a social action schools campaign inspired by the award-winning US film BULLY, will launch in Australia in October. The organisers said the BULLY…

ACNC Streamlines Reporting for Non-government Schools

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 21st May 2015 -  The charity regulator has released guidelines to help non-government schools access and complete new streamlined reporting.   The guidelines follow an Australian Charities…

Gap in Rich and Poor Schools Growing

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 24th March 2015 -  Victorian students and their parents are abandoning disadvantaged schools, causing them to fall further behind more affluent schools, a new report has found. The report, released…

NFPs Face Financial Reporting Crunch Time

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st July 2014 -  Not for Profit organisations including schools, churches and charities are about to be caught up in a little-known accounting standard change, which could put them at risk of breaching…


The 40K Project – New Hope for Education in India

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd July 2014 -  This week’s Spotlight on Social Enterprise looks at how $40,000 has become a symbol of hope, ambition and transformation for an Australian social entrepreneur making waves…

Eco-grants Available for Sustainable Projects

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th February 2014 -  Grants of up to $2000 are up for grabs to help schools, TAFEs and CITs get environmental projects off the ground. The grants are part of the Teachers Environment Fund and judges will…
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