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Tag : Social Change Central

10 New Year’s resolutions for social entrepreneurs

Contributor, Monday, 18th January 2021 -  Now is the time for social entrepreneurs to put some steps and plans in action. Social Change Central shares some top tips to help you do just that.  We can breathe a collective sigh of

What social entrepreneurship in a rural community is like

Ruby Bisson, Tuesday, 2nd June 2020 -  Ruby Bisson from Social Change Central sits down with Alexie Seller to find out about the barriers, and the beauty, of being an entrepreneur in rural Australia. For many city-dwelling

Predictions for 2020: Social enterprise

Jay Boolkin, Thursday, 13th February 2020 -  2020 is bound to be a cracker year for social enterprise with hints of a funding shakeup, skyrocketing social procurement, and oodles of opportunities on the horizon, write Jay Boolkin

The 30 most memorable quotes from the Social Enterprise World Forum 2019

Jay Boolkin, Wednesday, 6th November 2019 -  Jay Boolkin from Social Change Central shares memorable quotes from speakers and attendees from all over the globe. Over 1,300 social entrepreneurs, practitioners, policy makers,

Funding at the Edge

Laura Reed, Tuesday, 15th October 2019 -  Laura Reed explores the value of funding opportunities to convene social enterprises and others across the ecosystem. Recently, chatting with an old colleague who now works in international

Is an ecosystem-based approach the future of funding social enterprise?

Jay Boolkin, Thursday, 22nd August 2019 -  It’s often discussed that funding the social enterprise ecosystem is important to help all social enterprises thrive – but what exactly is this ecosystem, and why and how should we

Why we need a peak body for NSW and ACT social enterprises

Contributor, Tuesday, 2nd July 2019 -  It’s time a social enterprise council or network was established in NSW and ACT to advocate for and represent the social enterprise sector, write Social Change Central, part of the
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