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Tag : Social Enterprise Strategy

Victorian social strategy wins global award

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 29th June 2022 -  The winners were acknowledged for their “important and impactful” work towards achieving the sustainable development goals. The Victorian government has picked up an international

Victoria launches new social enterprise strategy

Samantha Freestone, Tuesday, 5th October 2021 -  The Victorian government has laid out a four-year road map for how it plans to strengthen and support the state’s thriving social enterprise sector Victoria’s new social enterprise

The time is now to step towards an Australian social enterprise strategy

Contributor, Tuesday, 13th July 2021 -  Last year a group of social enterprise sector leaders came together with a shared ambition to make social enterprise business as usual. Here, Alex Hannet, Jo McNeill, Belinda Morrissey,

Social Enterprise Strategy to Create Employment Opportunities for Disadvantaged

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 16th February 2017 -  The Victorian government has released what it describes as Australia’s first-ever strategy for social enterprises to strengthen the sector and create more employment opportunities…
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