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Tag : Social license

ESG – a groundswell that’s here to stay

Kaushik Sridhar, Tuesday, 5th October 2021 -  ESG has been in the public consciousness for a few years now – but it’s fair to say that 2020 and 2021 have seen a huge uptick in awareness, writes Dr Kaushik Sridhar. Ten years ago, ESG

Social Licence to Operate Under the Microscope

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd October 2013 -  The business case for managing a company’s social licence to operate is all about managing risk, according to a new Australian publication. Dr Leeora Black, manager and founder…

Employee Involvement Crucial in CSR

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd July 2013 -  Toyota Motor Corporation Public Affairs Manager Katarina Persic shared insights into how the car giant develops partnerships and makes decisions when it comes to community and…

The Corporate Partnership Climate

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd July 2013 -  Corporate entities are on the search for a 'sweet spot' where the interests of the corporate and the community partner can align, a Sydney conference has been told. The Director…


The Very Seductive Social License to Operate – a Reality Check

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 31st October 2012 -  OPINION: The social license to operate is a seductive concept, as it speaks to the business case for community relations, a traditionally ‘soft’ part of corporate life,
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