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Tag : Social Return on Investment

Pro Bono Australia – Sustainability Through a Diverse Business Model

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 12th April 2016 -  Pro Bono Australia’s social impact has been valued at $6.5 million with a social return on investment of 11:1, according to an analysis by global professional services firm EY (formerly


The Effects of Australian SRI on International Investment

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th April 2013 -  Due to the high rate of change associated with the development of socially responsible investment (SRI), it is particularly important to maintain a current purview of both the behaviour

Uncovering the Value of Social Housing

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th September 2011 -  In a first for the Social Return on Investment framework, a new report puts a dollar value on the social benefit created by Australia's 42,000 community houses and units. Over…

UK Report Highlights Limitations of SROI

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th January 2011 -  A report from the UK’s Third Sector Research Centre has raised concerns about the danger of funders using SROI (social return on investment) as a way of choosing between Not…


Measuring the Impact of Volunteering

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 27th October 2010 -  Measuring social impact is a complex task and a huge amount of work needs to be done in Australia to measure the impact of volunteering, according to Lems Hems from the Centre for Social


NFPs Failing to Communicate Impact

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th September 2010 -  A new study into Not for Profit communications by UK think tank New Philanthropy Capital has found that organisations are good at describing what they do but many fail to clearly communicate…

An Investment Case For Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th September 2010 -  Volunteering England's submission to the Government's Spending Review 2010 says volunteering delivers significant value to a wide range of people, communities and causes,…

NFPs Need to Demonstrate Social Value

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 6th July 2010 -  Most charities still have a long way to go before they can measure their effectiveness using Social Return On Investment (SROI) and should be set more achievable benchmarks, according…

Social Return on Investment Not Exploited by NFPs

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 5th May 2010 -  Social Return on Investment (SROI) is a hot topic yet many charities and funders do not fully understand how SROI works or whether it is a tool they should be using it, according to UK…
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