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Tag : Social Services Minister

Feedback sought on DES discussion paper

News Team, Tuesday, 20th December 2022 -  The discussion paper aims to centre those with lived experience. The Disability Employment Services (DES) Quality Framework discussion paper is open for public consultation.

DES star ratings suspended as department rushes to fix coding error

News Team, Friday, 9th December 2022 -  An external investigation into the error will be established. Social services minister Amanda Rishworth is launching an investigation into Disability Employment Services (DES)

Q&A: Rishworth’s plan for “positive impact”

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 2nd August 2022 -  The new social services minister promises to leave no Australian behind. Almost three months on from the election, Parliament has begun sitting and we’re starting to get an idea of

No Backdown Andrews Tells NFP Sector

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th June 2014 -  Federal Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews has fronted the ACOSS National Conference defending the recent Federal Budget, saying that Australia can deny the current social…

How Fair Will Civil Society Be?

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 11th June 2014 -  Surely a Government that speaks of “strengthening civil society” will want to avert some of the consequences of its singular focus on achieving budget surpluses, questions

Andrews Rejects Sector Plea to Save ACNC

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th March 2014 -  The Federal Minister for Social Services, Kevin Andrews, has publicly rejected a last ditch appeal by the Not for Profit sector to try to save the national charity regulator. Referring…

Support for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th March 2014 -  The Federal Coalition Government will provide $4.9 million in specialist support programs for survivors of child sexual abuse. Eleven specialist organisations across Australia…

ACNC Replacement Unveiled

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th December 2013 -  Federal Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews has revealed his plans for the Centre for Excellence that will replace the outgoing Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.…

Coalition Will Revert Back to ‘Old’ Charities Regulation – Opposition

Staff Reporter, Friday, 22nd November 2013 -  The Federal Shadow Assistant Treasurer Andrew Leigh has condemned the Coalition Government’s plans to abolish the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission…
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