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Tag : Sponsorship

The Fatal Flaw In How Most NFP’s Approach Sponsorship

Contributor, Tuesday, 5th December 2017 -  As crazy as this may seem, 80 per cent of not-for-profit organisations are not aligned behind their sponsorship department, writes Bruce McKaskill, one of Australia’s most experienced

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Sponsorship Predictions for 2017 – Opportunities for NFPs

Abby Clemence, Thursday, 9th February 2017 -  From big data to cause alignment, sponsorship expert Abby Clemence looks at the opportunities for not-for-profit organisations to connect with the corporate world in 2017. Have

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Transactional Versus Relationship-Based Sponsorship

Abby Clemence, Thursday, 20th October 2016 -  The new rules of etiquette in successful sponsorships are all about creating a partnership, writes sponsorship expert Abby Clemence. The tides are shifting – are you moving with

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Not for Profit Sponsorship Myth #1

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 4th June 2015 -  One of the most common sponsorship myths facing the Not for Profit sector is that sponsorship and philanthropy are the same thing, writes sponsorship expert Abby Clemence.

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The Four Vital Steps To Sponsorship Success

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 30th April 2015 -  To keep the sponsorship journey flowing from one stage to the next, sponsorship expert Abby Clemence offers her top tips on building a successful Not for Profit strategy. The cycle…

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Sponsorship Investment vs. The Power of ‘Brand Equity’

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 16th April 2015 -  Sponsorship expert Abby Clemence explores how leveraging a corporate partner’s brand power can provide big opportunities for smaller Not for Profits and charities. In the…

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8 Founding Principles of Sponsorship Success

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th February 2015 -  Taken from her new book, '8 Founding Principles of Sponsorship Success', sponsorship expert Abby Clemence shares her eight tips for creating a foolproof sponsorship approach.

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8 Tips To Give Your Sponsorship Strategy An Unfair Advantage

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 27th January 2015 -  Sponsorship expert Abby Clemence asks if your Not for Profit is ready to engage corporate sponsors in 2015 and offers her top tips for planning your new year sponsorship approach.
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