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Tag : Summer Foundation

“The buck stops at Bill Shorten”: participants plead for NDIS fix

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 2nd November 2022 -  Participants say the NDIS is not delivering on its key purpose, but the government’s review provides an opportunity to go back to the drawing board. NDIS Minister Bill Shorten must

Impact investors in disability housing call for stronger market stewardship by the NDIA

Sabina Curatolo, Wednesday, 25th August 2021 -  A new industry report on investment funds in the specialist disability accommodation market highlights the need for greater government oversight to increase investor confidence,

Specialist disability accommodation – Pipeline of supply

Di Winkler, Thursday, 14th January 2021 -  People with high or complex disability support needs have traditionally had extremely limited options when it comes to finding somewhere to live. The growing specialist disability

Emerging disability housing market meeting appetite for impact investment at scale

Di Winkler, Monday, 14th December 2020 -  Dr Di Winkler and Dr Peter Mulherin explain the Specialist Disability Accommodation market and why disability housing is well placed to leverage the private capital available through

‘YPIRAC is a wicked problem that can only be solved by working across sectors’

Di Winkler, Wednesday, 21st October 2020 -  Dr Di Winkler AM, CEO and founder of the Summer Foundation, takes a look at the new Younger People in Residential Aged Care Strategy and reflects on what success will look like. The recent

Why NFPs need to look beyond successful pilot programs

Luke Michael, Monday, 10th February 2020 -  Many successful pilots funded by philanthropy or government never reach scale and have no impact on policy Not for profits need more than just a successful pilot program to influence

The Aged Care Royal Commission is an opportunity to permanently eliminate the need for young people to enter residential aged care

Luke Bo'sher, Tuesday, 10th September 2019 -  Ahead of giving evidence at the Aged Care Royal Commission hearings in Melbourne this week, Luke Bo’sher outlines his key arguments around why young people end up in aged care and what

How Can We Make it Easier For People With Disability to Find a Home?

Luke Michael, Friday, 23rd November 2018 -  Experts believe a new platform helping people with disability find a home could become the Airbnb of accessible housing.      Researchers from the Australian Housing and Urban

Disability Advocates Question Scope of Royal Commission

Luke Michael, Monday, 17th September 2018 -  The social sector says it welcomes the establishment of a royal commission into aged care, but disability advocates are dismayed ongoing calls to address abuse affecting the broader

Partnerships Needed to Find Solution for Young People in Aged Care

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 8th August 2018 -  Building sustainable partnerships within the social and health sectors is “absolutely critical” to finding a solution for young people in residential aged care homes (YPIRAC),

‘Critical Gap’ for Young People With Disability In Nursing Homes Under NDIS

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 12th June 2018 -  A lack of clarity around who qualifies for the National Disability Insurance Scheme is causing young people in nursing homes to fall through a “critical gap” between the health and

Fears NDIA Will Force People into Shared Accommodation Settings

Luke Michael, Monday, 14th May 2018 -  Disability groups have expressed concerns that the National Disability Insurance Agency will force most people seeking Specialist Disability Accommodation into a group home
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