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Tag : Telcos

Telcos Text Giving Australian Trial Starts

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 1st October 2015 -  After more than a decade of tinkering with the technology, Australia’s telecommunication giants have joined together to launch a trial of one-stop text message donations…

SMS Giving Launched

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 -  Mobile donation platform, GiveEasy has launched an Australian SMS text message ‘giving’ system for Australian charities ahead of the telcos. GiveEasy’s Business…

Calls for Action as Telco Complaints Hit All-Time High

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th November 2011 -  The phones have hardly stopped ringing over the past year at the office of the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, with a record-breaking number of new complaints lodged against…

NFPs Empower Teenage Mobile Phone Users to Speak Up

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 30th August 2011 -  Young mobile phone users want Australia’s Telcos to be more truthful and less misleading according to a new study carried out in a joint initiative between Not for Profit organisations.…
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