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Tag : Treaty

Self-Determination Fund founded in Victoria

News Team, Monday, 28th November 2022 -  The establishment of the fund comes as the sector hears more about the planned Voice to federal parliament. A foundational donation of $100 has kickstarted a fund to help Traditional

Treaty framework complete

Contributor, Thursday, 20th October 2022 -  First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and state government to sign agreement on Treaty.  The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and the Victorian government will today sign an agreement…

Victoria likely to have Treaty framework before election

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 12th October 2022 -  In an exclusive opinion column for Pro Bono News, Aunty Geraldine Atkinson confirms she expects Victoria’s treaty framework to be released in the next fortnight, before Victoria

We have a Voice, we have Truth, now Treaty is very much within our reach 

Geraldine Atkinson, Wednesday, 12th October 2022 -  Negotiations for Treaty in Victoria could start taking place as early as next year, writes Aunty Geraldine Atkinson.  With guidance from the community we serve, the First Peoples’

Treaty Day Out a “deadly” success

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 5th October 2022 -  First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, which organised the event, is “on the cusp” of a landmark agreement with the state government. Treaty Day Out, the “biggest, blakest music

The fight to tell Australia’s truth

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 22nd July 2020 -  The Victorian state government is setting up the country’s first formal truth telling process for Aboriginal Victorians. We take a look at why that’s so important.  Last week the

The long path to a treaty in Qld begins. But what’s the first step?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 17th July 2019 -  Indigenous community organisations and leaders are waiting for answers from the Queensland government on what exactly the pathway to a treaty will look like, following a historic

Indigenous Groups Welcome NT Treaty Commissioner

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 19th February 2019 -  Indigenous land and reconciliation councils have welcomed Mick Dodson’s appointment as treaty commissioner of the Northern Territory, saying this will progress treaty talks
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