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Tag : Vicki Sutton


Finding the silver-lining through crisis

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 27th April 2020 -  Melbourne City Mission is 165 years old. But as its CEO, Vicki Sutton is coming up with new and innovative ways to tackle social issues and lead the organisation through tough times.

Dealing with the trauma of youth homelessness

Luke Michael, Monday, 3rd June 2019 -  The lowest point was when the police officer came to the door. Jessica* was already at breaking point, and now the police were handing her a warrant giving her family two days to leave

Inspire Me! Teach Me! Don’t Crush My Dreams

Vicki Sutton, Tuesday, 27th March 2018 -  Melbourne City Mission chief executive officer Vicki Sutton reveals what students want from school careers advice. The pathway from school to work is not always straightforward
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