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Tag : Victorian Council of Social Service

Social Economy is the Workforce of the Future

Luke Michael, Thursday, 6th September 2018 -  The social economy is the workforce of the future, according to a new report, which says outdated perceptions of the social services sector must change.   The Future Social Service

Isolation and Lockdowns in Victorian Youth Justice Centres Unacceptable – Report

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 23rd March 2017 -    The findings from a damning report revealing lockdowns and children being left in isolation in Victoria’s youth justice centres has received widespread condemnation from

Collaboration Needed to Address Youth Unemployment

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 26th August 2014 -  Not for Profits have called for a major collaboration between community, business and Governments to address the alarming increase in youth unemployment. The average Victorian…

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Attitudes Can Change Lives: Innes

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 5th August 2014 -  Former Disability Discrimination Commissioner and Attitude Foundation Chair Graeme Innes expresses what he believes are the biggest challenges and opportunities for people


Committed to Victoria’s Disadvantaged

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th July 2014 -  Emma King, Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS), considers her role leading Victoria’s peak body for the community sector as more than

More Planning Needed for Vulnerable During Disasters – VCOSS

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th June 2014 -  Socially vulnerable people are being put at increasing risk due to a lack of planning around their needs during disasters and emergencies, Victorian Council of Social Service has…


Building a Victoria Without Poverty

Staff Reporter, Friday, 30th May 2014 -    It’s time to unite our community, not polarise it, writes Victorian Council of Social Service Chief Executive Officer Emma King, who recently launched the VCOSS State

Victoria Loosens Purse-Strings in State Budget

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 6th May 2014 -  The Victorian Government has delivered a big spending Budget on infrastructure and job creation, as well as a surplus of $1.3 billion in 2014-15 – offering a mixed bag for the…

Truancy Fines Entrench Disadvantage – VCOSS

Staff Reporter, Friday, 20th December 2013 -  Plans by the Victorian Government to fine parents whose children do not attend school will do little to keep vulnerable young people in education and will  entrench their disadvantage,…

Collaboration Key to Reform Victorian Community Sector

Staff Reporter, Friday, 1st November 2013 -  Government and the community sector will come together to form the new Victorian Community Sector Reform Council which will examine ways to best meet the needs of an ageing and growing…

Service Sector Reform Project Report

Staff Reporter, Friday, 24th May 2013 -  Consultations with the Victorian community sector on reform of services for vulnerable people have highlighted the need for comprehensive, targeted and systemic change to deliver…

Young People “Falling Through the Service Gaps” – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 30th April 2013 -  A growing number of Victorian young people are at risk of falling through gaps in services as support agencies and schools struggle to deal with the rise in vulnerable young people,…
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