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Tag : West Africa Food Crisis

African Hunger Crisis Needs New Approach – Australian Aid Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th July 2012 - 
Women from the village of Labado are taking part in a cash-for-work scheme run by Oxfam. Copyright: Andy Hall Australian aid agencies are calling for change to end the hunger crises…

NGOs Welcome Government Response to Food Crises in Africa

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st May 2012 - 
Millions of people are food insecure in the West Africa region. Andy Hall/Oxfam Australian aid agencies have welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement to contribute…

Aid Agencies Ramp Up Efforts for West Africa Famine

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th April 2012 - 
Photo credit: Save the Children As the famine in West Africa continues to intensify, Australian aid agencies say they are doing all they can to prevent the looming food crisis. Save…

Aid Agencies Warn on West Africa Food Crisis

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th March 2012 - 
Countries across the Sahel region, Africa, are facing a serious food crisis. Adjitti Mahamat ,40, cooks the one big meal a day for as many as ten children. Photo: Andy Hall/ Oxfam. 
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