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NFPs Petition Victorian Premier on NDIS

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th July 2012 -  Disability organisations in Victoria have begun petitioning the Premier, Ted Baillieu to urge him to agree to fund a trial of the National Insurance Disability Scheme. The Gawith…

100 Women of Influence Awards

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th July 2012 -  Australian media organisation, the Financial Review Group, together with the Westpac Group, are on a mission to celebrate 100 of Australia’s outstanding and most influential…

Stanford Scholarships Open to Australian NFP leaders

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th July 2012 - 
Two Scholarships Are On Offer For The Stanford Graduate School of Business The Stanford Australia Foundation is offering two scholarships for Not for Profit leaders – one…


Politics And The NDIS

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th July 2012 -  THAT AIN'T RIGHT- how do you explain your refusal to fund the NDIS to the electorate who voted for you – or don't you believe that Coalition voters have disabilities

Labor States Pick Up NDIS Trials – COAG Meeting

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th July 2012 -  The Federal Government has failed to reach agreement with Victoria and NSW on trialing the National Disability Insurance Scheme – looking to the labor states to set the scheme…

Federal Opposition Slams Charity Regulator Bill

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th July 2012 -  The Federal Opposition claims the proposed legislation to set up Australia’s first charity regulator fails to simplify or ease the regulatory burden on Not for Profits.

New Amendment Shores Up NFP Payroll Tax Loophole

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th July 2012 -  New tax laws have come into effect in Victoria to stop charities trying to take advantage of a loophole created by a Federal Court decision on payroll tax exemptions. From 1 July 2012…

Stable Housing Important for Kids’ Development – Study

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th July 2012 -  New research has found that there are large differences in children's developmental outcomes in Australia, depending on their housing tenure. Using data from Growing Up in…

Increase in NFP Board Scholarships

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th July 2012 -  Perpetual Trustees has announced additional funding to increase the number of scholarships available to chairmen and directors of Not for Profit boards, following a strong response…

VCOSS Appoints New CEO

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 -  The Board of the Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) has announced the appointment of Penny Wilson as its new Chief Executive Officer. VCOSS President Micaela Cronin said…

Vic Government Increases Resources to Child Abuse Inquiry

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 -  The Victorian Government has been forced to provide additional resources for a Parliamentary Inquiry into the handling of child abuse by non-government organisations after growing…

FIA Concerns Over Charity Regulator Draft Bill

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 -  Fundraising peak body the Fundraising Institute of Australia (FIA) has expressed concern to the Federal Government over the latest changes to the draft legislation for the charity…
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