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eftpos Looks to Disability Orgs to Donate $1million

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 -  A Not for Profit organisation working in the area of disability is likely to be chosen as the beneficiary of a $1million donation from electronic funds transfer company, eftpos Australia,…

Brand Management in the Third Sector

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 -  A seminar on brand management for the Not for Profit sector is being hosted by The Macquarie Graduate School of Management in NSW. As the demand for Not for Profit services and activities…

Communications – Delivery For Consumers

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 -  Free Ticket Offer The Australian Communications and Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) is offering two free registrations to their upcoming National Conference in September to Pro…

Vic Gambling Foundation Preempts Inquiry

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 - 
The Victorian Government has launched the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation The Victorian Government has launched the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation on…

Work & Family Juggling Finds a Balance – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 -  Many Australian families are juggling their working lives without using formal child-care services, according to new research by the Australian Institute of Family Studies. Australian

Tasmanian Volunteering Redefined Under New Breakaway Principles

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 -  Volunteering Tasmania (VT) has broken away from the national volunteering body to release a new set of principles to redefine what it means to be a volunteer. VT says the principles…

Time to Address Charities for Indigenous Peoples

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 - 
Australian indigenous people face difficulties establishing difficulties The introduction of a charity regulator is an opportune time for Australia to follow New Zealand’s…

New Income Tax Guide for Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th July 2012 - 
Photo: The Australian Tax Office has released a new version of its Income Tax Guide for Not for Profit organisations in preparation for the start of the Australian…

New Boss for Dairy Industry Foundation

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd July 2012 -  The Gardiner Foundation, set up to support the Victorian Dairy Industry has appointed a new Chief Executive Officer to take office late next month. Board Chairman Mike Taylor has…

Local Entrepreneurs Acknowledged

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd July 2012 - 
Earnst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Award Winners Victoria and Tasmania’s top entrepreneurs have been acknowledged at the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur Of The Year…

Changemakers – Clare Brooks

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd July 2012 -  Clare Brooks, CEO of the Australian Communities Foundation, is profiled in Changemakers – a regular column which examines inspiring people and their careers in the Not for…

Australian Charity Regulator Looks At UK Experience

Staff Reporter, Friday, 20th July 2012 -  Two new UK reports into regulation and public trust in charities is offering timely insights and comparisons for Australia’s new charity regulator, according to newly appointed…
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