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Tag : Welfare

Legal NFP Set to Deliver ‘Queensland First’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th April 2014 -  A legal Not for Profit specialising in older people’s welfare will deliver a Queensland Government program providing free legal advice for residents of retirement villages…


Time to Think ‘Solutions’ to Child Abuse

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th February 2014 -  Not for Profit leaders, academics, practitioners and policy makers need to come together to cultivate innovative new ways to ensure child safety, writes Dr Sarah Wise from the Berry

Brotherhood Monitors Youth Unemployment

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th February 2014 -  Welfare Not for Profit The Brotherhood of St Laurence has launched a new campaign and a monthly Youth Unemployment Monitor, in response to what it describes as “youth unemployment…

Survey Gives Young Australians a Voice on Welfare

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th February 2014 -  Australia’s national youth affairs peak body has launched an online survey to find out how young people experience Australia’s current welfare system.
The Australian

No NFP Rep on Audit Commission – ACOSS

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th February 2014 -  Welfare peak body, ACOSS has criticised the Federal Government’s Commission of Audit for not appointing a representative of the community sector to be part of the inquiry.…

What is Real Volunteering? The Debate

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th September 2013 -  The scope and definition of ‘volunteering’ was hotly debated in a panel discussion during the final day of the National Conference on Volunteering in Adelaide. Evelyn

Welfare Rights Centre Defunded

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 16th April 2013 -  The executive of a specialist Not for Profit welfare service, Welfare Rights Centre has sought an urgent meeting with the NSW Government after news it is to be defunded after 30 years…

No Increase to Newstart – Senate Inquiry

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th November 2012 -  A Senate Committee report has rejected a rise in the controversial Newstart Allowance despite Labor and Greens MPs on the committee agreeing the welfare payment is too low. While…

Employment Environment ‘Hostile‘ for Welfare Recipients – Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 27th August 2012 -  The chances of finding employment are “seriously limited” for those currently living on welfare, according to major Church providers of social services in Australia.…
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