Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th January 2014 - A luxury incarnation of an everyday service promises to balance healthcare in suburbs where rich and poor live side-by-side, writes journalist Nadia Boyce.
Six months ago, Melbourne’s…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th January 2014 -
Federal Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews has flagged a plan to merge the Social Services and Human Services Departments into a mega community agency.
The proposal is ostensibly…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th January 2014 -
A Victorian homelessness peak body has called for the State Government to invest $54 million over four years to get rough sleepers off the street.
In its pre-Budget submission, the…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th January 2014 -
People with disability are set to play an active role in developing Australia’s foreign aid program moving beyond 2015.
The Federal Government strategy, announced last December…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th January 2014 - Defining charities is a milestone that recognises the diversity of one of Australia’s fastest growing sectors, writes Federal Shadow Assistant Treasurer Andrew Leigh. …
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th December 2013 -
It was a very big news year for the Australian Not for Profit sector and as 2013 comes to a close, Pro Bono Australia looks back at the year that was and what made the biggest headlines.…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th December 2013 -
Australia’s Not for Profit organisations need to better collaborate with strategic partners, the corporate sector and government to tap into the full potential of philanthropy…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th November 2013 -
The Federal Coalition Government has announced three measures to cut red tape and reform Australia’s employment system, however Australia’s peak body for Not for…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 - Philanthropy can act as an enabler on many levels, writes Melbourne City Mission Chief Executive Officer Ric Holland.
Kudos to Andrew Forrest for using his $65 million donation…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 - With new Government funding reforms including the National Disability Insurance Scheme being introduced, the Not for Profit sector is now required to have more transparency and…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th October 2013 -
Australian children who experience serious disadvantage are likely to suffer lifelong negative consequences and the situation is likely to worsen unless Governments intervene,…
Staff Reporter, Saturday, 5th October 2013 -
Understanding the unique demands of the Asia Pacific region and partnerships between government, Not for Profits and business emerged as key ways to achieve better social impact…