Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th May 2013 -
The Federal Government has released the National Strategy for Cloud Computing, which outlines ways to use cloud technology to boost innovation and productivity across Australia's…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 16th May 2013 -
Not for Profit providers of ethics classes in government schools will become eligible for Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status after Federal Government lobbying.
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th May 2013 -
The Federal Government will provide the Australian Tax Office with $67.9 million to target the use of complex tax structures by high net worth individuals to avoid tax.
The funding…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 9th May 2013 - For a referendum to include local government in the Australian Constitution to succeed, it requires all Australians to recognise the important role of local governments in local…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd May 2013 - The extension of the Medicare Levy to help fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme makes great economic sense for the future well being of Australia, says the President of the…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 30th April 2013 -
The Federal Government has confirmed it will increase the Medicare levy to cover the cost of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th March 2013 -
All State and Territory housing ministers have finally made a deal with the Federal Government in a $320 million agreement to continue national homelessness services but the Not…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th March 2013 -
Nine out of 10 Not for Profit organisations are concerned they would be worse off if the Federal Government replaced the sector’s income tax exemptions with grants, according…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th February 2013 -
Effective programs aimed at promoting social and emotional wellbeing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are those with Indigenous ownership and support, according…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd October 2012 -
Australian Governments at all levels should adopt a standardised sustainability reporting framework via agreement through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), according…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th July 2012 -
Not for Profit research funded by the Victorian Government says that without continued investment, a new group of young people with high support needs will again be entering inappropriate…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th July 2012 - Last weekend’s Sunday Age opinion piece by Chris Berg of the Institute of Public Affairs reflects one of the major reasons so many Australians – particularly the young…