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NFP Legal & Accounting Almanac Launched

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 29th April 2014 -  The latest edition of the Australian Sector Nonprofit Legal and Accounting Almanac has been released. The annual publication contains a summary of significant cases, legislation,…

Centre for Philanthropy Names New Advisory Board Members

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd April 2014 -  Queensland’s Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies based at QUT has secured a number of  new high profile members to its Advisory Board. The new board…

New Standard Chart of Accounts Saves Victorian NFPs Millions – Review

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th August 2011 -  An independent review of the implementation of a Standard Chart of Accounts in Victoria has found that the model will save the Victorian Not for Profit sector in the order of $3.1 million…

GFC Hit Tax Deductible Giving to Australian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th June 2011 -  Despite tax deductible giving in Australia growing strongly at 15% per year, the Global Financial Crisis saw a decrease in the amount of money Australians donated to Not for Profit…

Productivity Commissioner ‘Frustrated’ by Policy Inaction

Lina Caneva, Friday, 18th June 2010 -   
Productivity Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald says it's scandalous and unacceptable that Australia is still arguing and begging in the area of public policy issues around
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