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Tag : Connecting Up

Nominate now for the Australian Not-for-Profit Technology Awards

Contributor, Thursday, 21st March 2019 -  Entries close on 29 March for the Australian Not-for-Profit Technology Awards 2019. Make sure you have your say. If your not-for-profit organisation has been making waves through

Transform Conference Early Bird Discount Ends Next Week. Book Now!

Contributor, Tuesday, 19th February 2019 -  With tickets selling fast and early bird discount ending next week, time is running out for Australian not for profits to secure a 25 per cent discount for the Connecting Up Transform

IBM Artificial Intelligence Expert to Urge Conference Delegates to Embrace AI

Contributor, Thursday, 24th January 2019 -  IBM Watson’s Jodie Sangster is set to give a keynote at the upcoming Transform 2019 conference, teaching delegates how not for profits can reap the rewards of AI and machine learning.

Tech-for-good Companies Merge to Extend Impact

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 29th November 2018 -  Two major IT not-for-profit companies are merging to become a leading force in using technology to improve the lives of vulnerable people in Australia and New Zealand.   Infoxchange

Early Bird Tickets Now Available For ‘Transform 2019’ in Melbourne

Contributor, Tuesday, 13th November 2018 -  Connecting Up is encouraging everyone to attend Australia’s premier not-for-profit technology conference, which is designed to help the NFP sector gain the knowledge, skills

‘Transform’ Conference Line-up First Look

Contributor, Thursday, 11th October 2018 -  A number of world-class experts have been locked in for the Connecting Up Conference at Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre next May. With preparations well underway for

Refurbished Computers a ‘Beacon of Hope’ for Young Karen Refugees

Contributor, Tuesday, 25th September 2018 -  Australian Karen Foundation co-founder Andrew Flint recounts how discounted Aussie computers and donated software have become the dream makers at the heart of an amazing story

Connecting Up’s ‘IT Strategy on a Plate’ Program Delivers for MS Auckland

Contributor, Tuesday, 28th August 2018 -  Multiple Sclerosis Auckland business manager Mark Blackie highlights the key takeaways from Connecting Up and TechSoup New Zealand’s new IT Strategy on a Plate program. “I would

Connecting Up Puts Best ‘Face’ Forward at Workplace for Good Roadshow

Contributor, Thursday, 26th July 2018 -  Connecting Up will be supporting Facebook’s three-stop Workplace for Good Roadshow as it visits Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland in August. The Workplace for Good Roadshow demonstrates

Australian Not-for-Profit Technology Awards Finalists Announced

Contributor, Thursday, 12th April 2018 -  Sea rescue volunteers, Indigenous storytellers and campaigners for more awareness about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorders are among the finalists in this year’s Australian Not-for-Profit

Indigenous Language and Storytelling at Heart of New Connecting Up Partnership

Contributor, Tuesday, 13th March 2018 -  Indigenous Language, a new technology award and a conference keynote are at the heart of a new Connecting Up partnership. Connecting Up has sponsored a full day of Australian Indigenous

NFPs Urged to Invest More in IT

Luke Michael, Thursday, 8th February 2018 -  A major new survey has found not for profits are significantly underinvesting in IT, with almost half of organisations reporting their information and service systems do not work
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