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Tag : Dan Tehan

Senate Committee Endorses Plans to Drug Test Welfare Recipients

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 8th May 2018 -  A Senate inquiry has endorsed the Turnbull government’s plans to drug test welfare recipients, in the face of sustained criticism from health experts and the community sector.    

Government Revives Push For Welfare Drug Testing

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 28th February 2018 -  The Turnbull government has revived its push to introduce a controversial drug testing trial for welfare participants, despite continued opposition from Labor, The Greens and

Dan Tehan Appointed New Minister for Social Services

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 19th December 2017 -  Dan Tehan has been appointed the new minister for social services – the fourth appointment to the role in as many years – as outgoing minister Christian Porter takes up the role of attorney-general.
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