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Tag : Investment

Investment Portfolio for a Not for Profit

Simon Hopkins, Tuesday, 3rd July 2018 -  Is it appropriate for not for profits with a surplus of funds to consider investing in growth assets like shares and property? When deciding on an investment strategy there is no “one-size-fits-all”

Social Impact Measurement Startup Wins US$100K Pitch Comp

Luke Michael, Thursday, 8th March 2018 -  A tech startup offering a platform for not for profits to measure their social impact and secure funding has won more than $100,000 at a pitching competition in Sydney, and the company’s

Impact Investment Data ‘Woeful’

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 21st October 2015 -  Not for Profits and government agencies that provide social services have been accused of failing to collect adequate data, which is creating problems for impact investment measurement.…

University Delivers ‘Experiential Giving’

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 14th July 2015 -  Students from Swinburne University of Technology will gain real life experience in philanthropy and grant-making by determining how to allocate $10,000 as part of the University’s…

Investment in Youth Entrepreneurship Needed

Lina Caneva, Monday, 13th July 2015 -  A national Not for Profit has said there is a “startling lack of attention” given to the contribution of young Australians attempting to start and run their own ventures.…

$100 Million for Social Startups

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th June 2015 -  Socially and environmentally conscious startups are set to benefit from the creation of the new $100 million Impact Investment Funds – said to be one of Australia’s…


Why Australian Social Enterprise Needs More Than Impact Investment

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 22nd April 2015 -  Despite the buzz, developing an impact investment market is not the answer for the provision of capital for all social enterprises in Australia, writes Libby Ward-Christie, Head

Impact Investing in Real Estate

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 8th April 2015 -  Innovative new funding models are tackling pressing social needs and the reduced availability of financial support to address those needs across Australia. Journalist Nadia Boyce

Global Boom In Responsible Investment

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 25th February 2015 -  Global sustainable investing assets grew a dramatic 61 per cent between 2012 and 2014, to reach $21.4 trillion, mirroring the growth of responsible investment in Australasia over…
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