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Tag : Peak Body

Third Sector ‘Round Table’ Kicks Off

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th August 2002 -  A Peak Body for the Australian Third Sector in the form of a ‘round table’ will be a reality within three months! That’s the prediction of NSW Community Services Commissioner…

New peak Body to Focus on Police

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  A new peak body called the Victorian Criminal Justice Coalition has been established to keep a watching brief on the operation of police, courts and correctional services. The group’s…

A Legal Perspective on a Peak Body

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th December 2001 -  One concern in the debate over whether the Third Sector should have a “peak” of Peak Bodies is – What would be its legal structure? PILCH, the Public Interest Law Clearing House…

A Peak Body? The Debate Continues!

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2001 -  Many Not for Profits are looking for more information about just what a Peak Body for the entire third sector would involve. In fact 21% of those who voted on our on-line Instant Poll…

Not For Profit ‘Peak Body’! To Be or Not to Be?

David Crosbie, Monday, 12th November 2001 -  Does Australia’s large and diverse third sector need a Peak Body to represent ALL its interests and provide a point of reference for ALL Government interaction and liaison? Our Pro…
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    Volunteering Tasmania is the State's peak body on volunteeri...

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