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Tag : Review

Govt Hiding ACNC Report Card – Labor

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 9th October 2014 -  The Federal Opposition is calling on Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews to release findings from a consultation process that could determine the future of the national charity…

Rooming House Reform ‘Confusion’ – Review

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 3rd July 2014 -  A new report into the state of rooming house reform in Victoria has found widespread confusion about the roles of different regulatory bodies in relation to registration and regulation…

Australia’s Becoming a More Skilled Nation – Review

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th November 2013 -  More than half of working-age Australians have a higher level qualification, placing the nation ninth among OECD countries, a recent Council of Australian Governments Reform Council…

Australia National Conference in Queensland.

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th September 2008 -  One of the first Australian corporations to build a volunteer program, the National Australia Bank (NAB) has released a ten year review of its program at the Volunteering Australia…

Call for More Practical Not for Profit Reporting Framework

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th August 2008 -  A clear reporting structure will bring big gains to the Not for Profit sector, especially from corporate benefactors according to Social Ventures Australia CEO Michael Traill in…

UK Compact Under Review

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th August 2008 -  Just as Australia begins the process of establishing a social Compact between the Federal Government and the Not for Profit Sector, the UK is putting its own Compact under review after…

Churches Cooperate to Undertake Major Review

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2002 -  The faithful are remaining faithful….and six out of ten church-goers agree that their local church is always willing to try something new. This is one finding from the 2001 National…
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