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Tag : Government

Government “Gold” Directory – Web Favourite

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th August 2005 -  Here’s a web address destined for every Not for Profit’s “favourites’ list – the Government Online “Gold” Directory that offers…

Federal Inquiry Into Corporate Responsibility

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd August 2005 -  The push for the inquiry has been initiated by the Federal ALP. Labor’s corporate governance spokeswoman Senator Penny Wong says that businesses need help to bring corporate…

Consumer Credit Issues Paper

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 5th July 2005 -  The Victorian Government has urged the credit industry, community groups and the public to attend forums and make submissions on the Bracks Government’s review of credit laws. Launching…

Mining Partnership Funding Renewed

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th May 2005 -  The federal Government has injected a further $2 million over four years as part of the 2005-06 Federal Budget to support working partnerships between Indigenous communities and…

New DGR Categories

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th May 2005 -  The Australian Government will establish five new general deductible gift recipient (DGR) categories from 1 July 2006. The new categories extend DGR support to funds and organisations…

eStrategy Guide for NFP’s

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th May 2005 -  What’s your organisation’s experience of emerging information and communications technologies? Are you struggling with making your on-line presence more efficient…

Victoria’s Social Policy Package

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd May 2005 -  The Victorian Government will spend an extra $788 million over the next four years on the poor in a bid to reclaim its “social justice” credentials with the biggest single…

Victoria to Pay for Compulsory Police Checks

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st April 2005 -  It’s anticipated that the Victorian Government will pay for compulsory police checks on 70,000 volunteers working with children as part of controversial new legislation…

Victoria to Pay for Compulsory Police Checks

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th April 2005 -  It’s anticipated that the Victorian Government will pay for compulsory police checks on 70,000 volunteers working with children as part of controversial new legislation…

Agencies Unite for Homeless Trial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th January 2005 -  The Victorian Government has provided a half million dollar grant for a revolutionary, three-year trial assisting disadvantaged young people to address their employment, housing…

New Directory for Seniors

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th January 2005 -  Need advice on pension and superannuation entitlements or mature age worker incentive payments or support for veterans and war widows? A new Government Directory can help. The Australian…

Community Discussion on Family Law Reforms

Staff Reporter, Monday, 22nd November 2004 -  The Federal Government has released a discussion paper seeking community input into plans to implement wide-ranging reforms to the family law system. The Government says the discussion…
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