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Tag : CEO

LIVESTRONG Charity CEO Resigns

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 25th September 2014 -  The Chief Executive of the cancer charity LIVESTRONG, founded by disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong, has resigned after 14 years at the helm of the controversial organisation. The…


Working to Give Access to All

Lina Caneva, Monday, 8th September 2014 -  As the Chief Executive Officer of a disability services organisation in Melbourne’s West, Rohan Braddy is often tackling many issues at one time, but this has not stopped him


What Real Reform of Social Security Payments Would Look Like

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 19th August 2014 -  In an age when every Government decision is marketed as ‘reform' it's hard to distinguish genuine reform from short-term budget fixes, says Australian Council of

Recipe for Future Leadership in New Book

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 19th August 2014 -  Getting involved in community organisations or artistic pursuits at an early age grows leadership skills, Not for Profit leader and Foundation for Young Australians CEO Dr Jan Owen…

Leadership Scholarships for SA Community Leaders

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 31st July 2014 -  A number of community leadership scholarships are now available as part of the South Australian Governor’s Leadership Foundation (GLF) program for 2015. The 2015 leadeship…


Mind the Step: Replacing Employees with Volunteers

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th June 2014 -    The temptation to replace paid staff with volunteers is on the table when Not for Profits are thinking about budget savings says Sue Noble, CEO of Volunteering Victoria, who
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