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Welfare groups condemn move to end COVID disaster payments

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 29th September 2021 -  ACOSS says the “snap decision” will hurt those on lowest incomes and is urging the government to lift the rate of JobSeeker The federal government’s decision to put a stop to COVID disaster

Australia’s COVID response could be undermining democracy. Why is civil society staying silent?

Robyn Gulliver, Monday, 13th September 2021 -  The social sector needs to find the will to drive politicians to deliver funding and policy decisions that will lead us to build back better, write Neil Pharaoh and Angus Crowther.

Four dimensions of government failure

David Crosbie, Thursday, 9th September 2021 -  David Crosbie shares his analysis of four areas of government failure, and laments the arrogance that is preventing governments from acknowledging their mistakes and learning

Australian charities are struggling with the loss of fun runs and other ‘fitness philanthropy’ events

Contributor, Wednesday, 1st September 2021 -  Australians love mass sporting events and raising money for charity. Under COVID, these activities have taken a major blow. In a typical year there are around 21,000 mass participation

Community needs to be central to recovery

Andrew Wear, Thursday, 26th August 2021 -  Ahead of the release of his new book, Recovery. How we can create a better, brighter future after a crisis, Andrew Wear reflects on how one of the key lessons of past recoveries is that

COVID-19 through the eyes of children and young people

Deb Tsorbaris, Monday, 23rd August 2021 -  Many of our kids are in crisis. It’s up to us as parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, carers and professionals, to keep the health and wellbeing of children and young people in our

How two charities are joining forces to help more people during lockdown

Lance Kawaguchi, Thursday, 12th August 2021 -  Spurred by a recent partnership between Cure Brain Cancer Foundation and Vinnies, Lance Kawaguchi discusses the need for charities to collaborate for best outcomes given the challenges

Strategy for uncertain times

Mike Davis, Thursday, 12th August 2021 -  Is it worth putting time into planning for the future if you can’t foresee what the future holds even a week from now? Mike Davis thinks so. Here, he shares three things every leader should

Don’t expect ‘more’ anything this year

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 4th August 2021 -  Julia Keady reflects on the social sector’s tendency to strive for “more” and how this plays out when there is widespread burnout. While preparing to speak about NFPs and innovation

Victoria’s COVID lockdown reminds us how many rely on food charity. Here’s how we plan for the next inevitable crisis

Fiona McKay, Wednesday, 9th June 2021 -  To ensure we can assist all in need during the next inevitable crisis, we need to make sure charities are better funded, and can quickly respond to increased need, writes Fiona McKay.

It’s time to recognise, reconnect and reimagine volunteering

Mark Pearce, Tuesday, 18th May 2021 -  National Volunteer Week 2021 challenges us to think imaginatively about a tomorrow in which volunteering can thrive, as we celebrate the contributions of the volunteers of today,
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