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Tag : DGR

Philanthropy Australia Strategy to Embrace Change

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th April 2012 - 
Philanthropy Australia's President Bruce Bonyhady. Photo courtesy Philanthropy Australia Philanthropy Australia says it needs to embrace change and play a greater leadership…

Call for Tax Threshold to Protect Small Charities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th July 2011 -  The Community Council for Australia has called for a $2 million threshold to be applied to a proposed new taxation regulation on Not for Profit organisations to help protect small…

ATO Releases New NFP Guide on Tax Deductibility

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th June 2011 -  The Australian Tax Office has released a new version of its GiftPack guide to help Not for Profits understand what to do if they want to receive tax-deductible gifts. The new Guide replaces…

GFC Hit Tax Deductible Giving to Australian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th June 2011 -  Despite tax deductible giving in Australia growing strongly at 15% per year, the Global Financial Crisis saw a decrease in the amount of money Australians donated to Not for Profit…

Court Confirms Tax Exempt Community Bank

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th April 2011 -  A Full Federal Court decision confirming that a community bank was exempt from paying income tax as a community service has wide implications for the Not for Profit sector, according…

Australian Vaccination Network Loses Charitable Status

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th October 2010 -  The NSW Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing (OLGR) has rescinded the charitable status of the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) after a two month investigation. But the national,…

ATO Challenges Tax Exemption for Community Bank

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th September 2010 -  The Australian Taxation Office is to challenge a Federal Court decision to allow a rural community bank tax exemption status. Wentworth District Capital Ltd (WDCL) was set up as a…

DGR Legislation for Volunteer Fire Brigades

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th May 2010 -  The Federal Government has released for public comment draft legislation that extends tax deductible donation support to all 6,200 Australian volunteer fire brigades. The Government’s…
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