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Heartbleed 101 for Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th April 2014 -  Heartbleed is considered one of the biggest global threats to internet security, but what does it mean for Not for Profits? Digital expert Richenda Vermeulen explores the question.

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Why your NFP Should be on Instagram or Not!

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th February 2014 -  For Not for Profits the opportunity to use Instagram as part of an integrated social media strategy is crucial to reaching the youth market, maximising current digital assets and…

Aussies Prefer the Hump Day to Give

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st November 2013 -  New research reveals Australians use “giving” to beat the weekday blues and they feel most inspired on Wednesdays. An analysis by global online giving platform, JustGiving

NFPs Need A Social Media Policy

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st November 2013 -  Online eGovernment and Gov 2.0 expert Craig Thomler has compiled a list of social media policies released by government agencies and councils across Australia urging Not for Profits…

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‘How Not for Profits Deter Donors on Social Media’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th October 2013 -  A study of donor, supporter and volunteer responses to the content posted on social media by Australian Not for Profits may surprise. In today’s Hot Topic, PhD researcher Karen

Disease Prevention Topping Eftpos $2M Poll

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th September 2013 -  The area of ‘disease prevention and medical research’ is currently leading the public online poll undertaken by electronic funds transfer system company, eftpos…

Video Warns of Online Dangers for Young Jobseekers

Staff Reporter, Monday, 9th September 2013 -  A short film on the perils of social media, created by brother and sister duo Samantha and Shane Asbury, is now being featured in a cyber safety campaign and includes a timely warning…

Girl Guides Launch Social Media Site for Under 13s

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 26th February 2013 - 
The iGGi site provides a social media experience for under 13s similar to that of Facebook. Picture: supplied Girl Guides Victoria has developed a secure social media site similar…

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Five Facebook Advertising Risks

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th February 2013 -  In last week’s Hot Topic, ntegrity’s senior social strategist Joy Toose gave us four reasons why Not for Profits should utilise Facebook advertising. In this week’s

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Facebook Advertising? Four Reasons Why You Should!

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 5th February 2013 -  Not for Profits are becoming more savvy with their social media, but what about social media advertising? Ntegrity’s senior social strategist Joy Toose gives her reasons

Homeless Find ‘Equality’ in Social Media

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th August 2012 - 
Photo: Flickr A study out of the United States has found homeless people are increasingly engaging with social media because these sites give them a feeling of online equality and…

Facebook Rulings Affect Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st August 2012 -  FEATURE: The spate of Facebook scandals and recent rulings may be making Not for Profits leaders nervous or confused. Unsure of what to do, or what not to do? Social Media marketer,
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