Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 19th August 2014 -
New Australian research into social media in the Not for Profit sector has identified the top three methods charities employ to encourage people to give.
Monash University researcher…
Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th June 2014 - The temptation to replace paid staff with volunteers is on the table when Not for Profits are thinking about budget savings says Sue Noble, CEO of Volunteering Victoria, who…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th June 2014 -
Prominent Not for Profit women leaders and philanthropists have received Australia’s highest award honours – heading hundreds of community workers, volunteers and philanthropists…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th June 2014 -
Volunteering Australia has announced a new Board President amid ongoing uncertainty about the peak body’s future funding from the Federal Government.
Volunteering Australia…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th February 2014 -
Just 28 per cent of Australian and New Zealand Not for Profits believe fraud is a direct threat to their organisation, despite the majority seeing it as an inherent sector-wide problem,…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th February 2014 - The Federal Government’s plans to expand the work-for-the-dole scheme promises plenty of debate about volunteer rights and responsibilities. It’s timely to remember…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th February 2014 - It’s Dateline July 1 2021. Policy consultant and NFP leader, Moira Deslandes takes a look back at a list of the Top 10 decisions from the future that helped Not for Profits survive…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th February 2014 -
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released its first experimental measures of the economic contribution of cultural and creative activity in Australia, saying the…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 26th November 2013 - Success using social media can depend on how quickly an organisation responds to the people who are trying to interact with it. In today’s Hot Topic, PhD researcher Karen Sutherland…
Staff Reporter, Friday, 25th October 2013 -
Finalists in the national ‘Unleashed Awards’, which recognises young people who are shaping positive change in innovative ways, including two indigenous teenagers,…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th September 2013 -
The scope and definition of ‘volunteering’ was hotly debated in a panel discussion during the final day of the National Conference on Volunteering in Adelaide.
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th August 2013 -
While social media is now seen as a necessary communication tool, many Not for Profits struggle to get senior management and the board on-side to understand the importance of the real…