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Tag : Newstart

Simulation of Welfare System Reveals Raising Newstart Would Reduce Poverty Gap

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 13th December 2018 -  Raising Newstart by around $300 per fortnight and the Age Pension by $11, while other welfare payments are cut, would reduce the poverty gap by 11 per cent, according to new analysis.

SA Major Parties Urge Federal Government to Raise Newstart

Luke Michael, Friday, 7th December 2018 -  Both major parties in South Australia have agreed Newstart is “far too low” and are calling on the federal government to urgently increase the payment.       An interim report from

Government’s Plan to Cut Disability Support Pension Backfires

Luke Michael, Friday, 26th October 2018 -  The federal government is ditching controversial plans to review the eligibility of 90,000 people on the Disability Support Pension after only a tiny fraction of recipients were

Report Highlights Entrenched Australian Poverty

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 17th October 2018 -  With millions living below the breadline in Australia, a peak welfare body is calling for a complete overhaul of the employment system, at least two days a week of subsidised childcare

Research Suggests Significant Benefits to Raising Welfare

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 18th September 2018 -  Raising Newstart and Youth Allowance would create jobs, raise wages and significantly boost regional economies, new research suggests, as the Greens ramp up their efforts to increase

Report Finds Sharp Rise in Older Women Experiencing Homelessness

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 28th August 2018 -  Older women experiencing homelessness has risen 31 per cent since 2011, according to new research. The report, “Retiring into Poverty”, released by the National Older Women’s Housing

Man Battling Cancer and Centrelink Raises Social Media Storm

Paul Carter, Tuesday, 10th July 2018 -  The ordeal of a father battling bowel cancer and Centrelink at the same time is setting social media ablaze, prompting a crowdfunding appeal and an outpouring of rage on Facebook.

Newstart Choir Could be a Campaign Masterstroke

Paul Carter, Wednesday, 27th June 2018 -  A breakthrough could be looming in the campaign to increase the Newstart allowance with the   release of a rousing jingle sung by a choir of welfare recipients – think Choir of Hard

Local Councils Across Australia Support Raise to Newstart

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 20th June 2018 -  The campaign to raise Newstart has gained further momentum, after delegates from local councils across Australia passed a motion urging the federal government to raise the income

Community Support Renews Pressure on Major Parties to Raise Newstart

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 6th June 2018 -  New polling has suggested more than two-thirds of Australians support raising Newstart, with community groups and political advocates putting pressure on the major parties to

Welfare to Be Docked up to 15 Per Cent to Pay Unpaid Court Fines

Luke Michael, Friday, 1st June 2018 -  The federal government plans to deduct up to 15 per cent of welfare payments for recipients with unpaid courts fines, in order to help people “stay out of jail”. The government announced

Newstart Recipients Living on $17 a Day After Accommodation Costs

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 23rd May 2018 -  The Salvation Army has urged the federal government to raise the level of Newstart, after new research revealed the average recipient was living on just $17 a day after accommodation
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